A message from P. ZAFIROPOULOS S.A. BoD
We, the management and staff of P. ZAFIROPOULOS S.A. carefully monitor the worldwide implications of the endemic, and assess the difficulties that were brought about in our lives by SARS-CoV-2 new virus. In this context we would like to assure you that we are taking all necessary steps to ensure business continuity and active involvement in the “fight against COVID-19” while minimizing the risk for all our employees.
We hereby confirm that, given the critical mission of P. ZAFIROPOULOS S.A. in assisting our customers, the healthcare professionals, in the Public and Private Health Care sectors in Greece, we continue our operation, with a sense of responsibility and perseverance, without production or distribution disruptions, while taking all necessary precautions to protect our employees and customers.
Management and staff of P. ZAFIROPOULOS S.A. are available, as usual, via phone or email for any questions you might have. Our technical, scientific and administration teams are ready to assist you through:
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The management and staff at P. ZAFIROPOULOS S.A. would like to express our gratitude and appreciation, and offer our support particularly to all healthcare professionals for their valuable contribution in the context of this global health crisis.
The BoD