The biologic drug Infliximab is a therapeutic monoclonal antibody. It acts as is an antagonist to TNF alpha, thus is effective in blocking the inflammatory process in numerous chronic inflammatory diseases like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and inflammatory arthritis. The BÜHLMANN Quantum Blue® Infliximab is the first rapid test to measure infliximab trough level in patient’s serum to allow immediate decision making for potential drug dose adjustments.
Quantum Blue®
The Quantum Blue® Calprotectin rapid test is a sensitive, non-invasive tool to pre-select patients requiring colonoscopy for confirmation of inflamatory bowel disease (IBD). Quantitative results for calprotectin concentration (in ug/g stool) are available within 12 minutes and are very comparable to the established BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA.
IBDoc® is the first in-vitro diagnostic home testing device measuring the inflammatory marker fecal calprotectin at home. The CalApp® turns your smartphone into a test cassette reader using state of the art image processing. Stool extraction is performed using the Calex® Valve that is characterized by its simple and convenient handling of stool samples. The secure connection of CalApp® with IBDoc® Portal allows Health Care Professionals to directly monitor patient results.
BÜHLMANN has recently introduced BÜHLMANN fCal® turbo, the immuno turbidimetric faecal calprotectin assay, providing flexible and random access application on all major clinical chemistry platforms.
Calprotectin Assays
Calprotectin is the best marker for IBD. It is an established measure to discriminate IBD from IBS and a very valuable tool to monitor the disease course of IBD patients (Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis). The technology platforms offered by BÜHLMANN range from the gold standard ELISA assay, BUHLMANN fCAL®, to the POC test, Quantum Blue®, to the new IBDoc® home test and to the automated random access BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo assay. With this portfolio all possible applications for measuring calprotectin are covered from the patient’s home test to the high throughput lab.
The Quantum Blue CRP test allows for a rapid determination of serum CRP within 22 minutes. It is an ideal tool to accompany the calprotectin determination for establishing an IBD patient inflammation profile during the course of the disease. The combination of the two markers has shown to increase the specificity for detecting inflammation in Crohn’s disease. The ease of use and speed of these two tests on the Quantum Blue® platform make this technology a very convenient addition to the therapy monitoring chronic inflammation of the gut.
Extraction / CALEX®
Calex® Cap extraction device offers an efficient, convenient and hygienic extraction of stool samples. Its simple design makes it an ideal extraction device characterized not only by high safety but also by offering high stability of stool samples.
BIOHIT HealthCare

UFT300 Helicobacter pylori Quick Test
The UFT300 H. pylori Quick Test is ready to use, can be stored at room temperature, and has an overall accuracy of 97.5% compared to Gold Standard methods.

Helicobacter Pylori Quick Test
Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) Quick Test offers a simple and highly specific method for detecting H.pylori in connection with gastroscopy. H.pylori can be diagnosed with various methods. The quick urease test is the least expensive test method, which can be performed on endoscopic antrum and corpus biopsy specimens during gastroscopy.

Lactose Intolerance Quick Test
The Lactose Intolerance Quick Test developed by Biohit for detecting lactose intolerance (hypolactasia of the small intestine) is based on the activity of the lactase enzyme in a biopsy specimen. The biopsy specimen taken from the mucosa of the upper part of the small intestine is examined immediately. The development of the color in the test liquid after 20 minutes informs whether or not the lactase enzyme is present in the biopsy specimen.

Celiac Quick Test
The celiac disease quick test allows the diagnosis of celiac disease from finger-prick blood sample. Celiac disease is a relatively common autoimmune disease in which the rye, wheat and barley protein (gluten) causes inflammation and mucosal damage of the small intestine, which interferes with the absorption of nutrients